Industry Accepted Product Standards
Uniform Product Standards
MSC’s Uniform Voluntary Product Guidelines for Horticultural Mulches, Growing Media and Landscape Soils(UVPG) are the accepted industry standards for mulch and soil products across the country. The guidelines were created by a broad-based industry committee focused on promoting:
- Uniform terminology and labeling that enables industry, consumers, buyers, and regulators to achieve a common understanding of mulch and soil products and product ingredients,
- Fair and open competition in the mulch and soil industry, and
- Standards for product performance that enable individuals to understand and choose the best product for their application.
Following committee development, the guidelines were submitted to the MSC membership for comments and suggestions. After membership review, the revised guidelines were made available to green industry organizations and any other interested parties wanting to review and comment. All membership and public comments were again reviewed by the MSC Standards Committee for final drafting of the uniform report.
The Uniform Voluntary Product Guidelines for Horticultural Mulches, Growing Media and Landscape Soils (UVPG) was officially adopted by a vote of the Mulch & Soil Council membership in October 2003 as a voluntary industry standard.
In 2005, the UVPG became the mandatory compliance and testing standards for all products qualifying under the Mulch & Soil Council Product Certification Program.